A Father’s Day Gift

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads out there!  It’s been a whirlwind of emotions and unforgettable experiences leading up to my first Father’s Day as a father!  I’m thrilled to introduce my little bun bun 🐇 🎉. Here’s to my honey bunny, my Father’s Day Gift!

She may have just arrived in this world, but I can already tell she’s a foodie in the making, just like her dad 🍽️👶. Together, we’ll navigate this incredible journey, exploring both the wonders of fatherhood and hopefully our shared love for delicious meals. Stay tuned for some food adventures, babymoon edition and beyond! 💕 

#FathersDay #FoodieInTraining #FoodieAtHeart #BoarAndTheBunny #newborn #baby #joy #FathersDayGift #MomSaysYoureWelcome #YoureWelcome


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